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cacti-plugin-weathermap Generate maps and diagrams using data collected by Cacti
cairo-dingbat-ttf Outline version of old Macintosh font
cairo-dock Dock application
cairo-java Cairo bindings for Java
calypso-git CardDAV/CalDAV server (git version)
canna Kana-Kanji conversion system (meta-package)
canna-canuum Kana-Kanji conversion system (canuum)
canna-dict Kana-Kanji conversion system (dict)
canna-lib Kana-Kanji conversion system (lib)
canna-server Kana-Kanji conversion system (server)
canto-daemon The next generation Canto RSS daemon
canu Single molecule sequence assembler for genomes large and small
capicxx-core-runtime GENIVI common API C++ core runtime
carburetta Fused scanner parser generator
cardpeek Cardpeek is a tool to read the contents of ISO7816 smart cards
cargo-about Cargo plugin to generate list of all licenses for a crate
cargo-c Build and install C-compatible libraries from Rust lang
cargo-deb Cargo helper to build Debian packages
carla Audio plugin host
cartago Framework for programming and executing environments in multi-agent
casady-fonts TrueType fonts by Robin Casady
cask Project management tool for Emacs
castget Command-line RSS enclosures dowloader
cataclysm-dda Post-apocalyptic turn-based survival game (text-only version)
cataclysm-dda-sdl Post-apocalyptic turn-based survival game (tileset version)
catfish Versatile file search utility for the Xfce desktop
catpoint-git Simple presentation software written in curses
cb2bib Extract and organize bibliographic references
ccnet-server Framework for writing networked applications in C
ccrypt Encrypts/decrypts files using Rijndael block cipher
cddlib C-library implementation of the Double Description Method
cdogs SDL port of the classic DOS arcade game
cdpr Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter
cedet Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools
celluloid Simple GTK+ frontend for mpv
centrifuge Novel microbial classification engine
cereal C++11 library for serialization
cfiles Ncurses file manager written in C with vim like keybindings
cgal Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
cgic Thomas Boutell's ANSI C library for CGI Programming
cglib Code generation library for Java
cgnslib CFD General Notation System
cgterm Commodore Graphics Telnet Client
chakracore-git Core part of the Chakra Javascript engine that powers Microsoft Edge
chani Tool for transient simulation of charge transport
chapel The Chapel programming language
chartsrv Daemon which renders SVG plots from Prometheus data
charybdis Freenode's IRC server daemon
chbg Changes destop background pictures with some period
cheat Convenient unit testing framework for the C programming language
check-update Check pkgsrc trees for newer version
checkstyle Static code analysis tool for Java
chemeq Chemical Equation Parser and Renderer
chems The geekest content helper management system
cherokee Flexible and fast web server
chezmoi Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines
chezscheme Cisco implementation of the Scheme programming language
chezscheme-racket Racket's fork of Chez Scheme
Chinput Chinese input server
chip-seq Core tools needed for ChIP-Seq analysis
chirpstack Open-source LoRaWAN Network Server
chkugenids Command line tool to get info on USB device through /dev/ugenN.EE
chntpw Offline registry tools and password resetter
choosefont Choosefont permit you to choose fonts out of a big amount of fonts
chora Another CVS-via-web system
chromium Open source web browser
chromium-depot_tools Chromium depot tools
chromium-next Open source web browser
chronograf Monitoring and visualization UI for the TICK stack
chrsh Chroot jail wrapper for ordinary Unix shells
chruby CLI tool which allows you to manage/use multiple Ruby environments
cilium-cli CLI to manage Kubernetes clusters running Cilium
cingg-netbsd Professional video editing and compositing environment
cinnamon-desktop Additional UI API for cinnamon
cinnamon-menus Additional UI API for cinnamon
cinnamon-screensaver Cinnamon screensaver
cinnamon-session Cinnamon session
cinnamon-settings-daemon Settings daemon for Cinnamon
ciwiki CiWiki is a small and simple WikiWikiWeb implementation written in C
cl-alexandria Alexandria is a collection utilities for Common Lisp
cl-anaphora Anaphora is the anaphoric macro collection
cl-babel Babel is a character encoding/decoding library for Common Lisp
cl-bordeaux-threads Portable shared-state concurrency for Common Lisp
cl-cffi The Common Foreign Function Interface for Common Lisp
cl-fad CL-FAD is a thin layer atop Common Lisp standard pathname functions
cl-flexi-streams FLEXI-STREAMS - Flexible bivalent streams for Common Lisp
cl-portable-clx CLX module which is mostly used with SBCL
cl-ppcre CL-PPCRE is a portable regular expression library for Common Lisp
cl-ppcre-unicode CL-PPCRE-UNICODE is the CL-PPCRE package with Unicode support
cl-split-sequence Common Lisp utility to split sequences
cl-trivial-features Trivial-features ensures consistent *FEATURES* in Common Lisp
cl-trivial-gray-streams Trivial-gray-streams is a compatibility layer for Gray streams
cl-unicode CL-UNICODE - A portable Unicode library for Common Lisp
cl-who CL-WHO - Yet another Lisp markup language
clamassassin Simple virus filter wrapper for ClamAV
clang C language family frontend for LLVM
clang-tools-extra Extra Clang tools
clasp Answer set solver for normal and disjunctive logic programs
classgen Java tool to generate class frameworks and visitor patterns
classic-mac-font-pack Outline fonts modeled after those of the vintage 68k Macintosh era
mk Subfolder