cacti-plugin-weathermap | | Generate maps and diagrams using data collected by Cacti |
cairo-dingbat-ttf | | Outline version of old Macintosh font |
cairo-dock | | Dock application |
cairo-java | | Cairo bindings for Java |
calypso-git | | CardDAV/CalDAV server (git version) |
canna | | Kana-Kanji conversion system (meta-package) |
canna-canuum | | Kana-Kanji conversion system (canuum) |
canna-dict | | Kana-Kanji conversion system (dict) |
canna-lib | | Kana-Kanji conversion system (lib) |
canna-server | | Kana-Kanji conversion system (server) |
canto-daemon | | The next generation Canto RSS daemon |
canu | | Single molecule sequence assembler for genomes large and small |
capicxx-core-runtime | | GENIVI common API C++ core runtime |
carburetta | | Fused scanner parser generator |
cardpeek | | Cardpeek is a tool to read the contents of ISO7816 smart cards |
cargo-about | | Cargo plugin to generate list of all licenses for a crate |
cargo-c | | Build and install C-compatible libraries from Rust lang |
cargo-deb | | Cargo helper to build Debian packages |
carla | | Audio plugin host |
cartago | | Framework for programming and executing environments in multi-agent |
casady-fonts | | TrueType fonts by Robin Casady |
cask | | Project management tool for Emacs |
castget | | Command-line RSS enclosures dowloader |
cataclysm-dda | | Post-apocalyptic turn-based survival game (text-only version) |
cataclysm-dda-sdl | | Post-apocalyptic turn-based survival game (tileset version) |
catfish | | Versatile file search utility for the Xfce desktop |
catpoint-git | | Simple presentation software written in curses |
cb2bib | | Extract and organize bibliographic references |
ccnet-server | | Framework for writing networked applications in C |
ccrypt | | Encrypts/decrypts files using Rijndael block cipher |
cddlib | | C-library implementation of the Double Description Method |
cdogs | | SDL port of the classic DOS arcade game |
cdpr | | Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter |
cedet | | Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools |
celluloid | | Simple GTK+ frontend for mpv |
centrifuge | | Novel microbial classification engine |
cereal | | C++11 library for serialization |
cfiles | | Ncurses file manager written in C with vim like keybindings |
cgal | | Computational Geometry Algorithms Library |
cgic | | Thomas Boutell's ANSI C library for CGI Programming |
cglib | | Code generation library for Java |
cgnslib | | CFD General Notation System |
cgterm | | Commodore Graphics Telnet Client |
chakracore-git | | Core part of the Chakra Javascript engine that powers Microsoft Edge |
chani | | Tool for transient simulation of charge transport |
chapel | | The Chapel programming language |
chartsrv | | Daemon which renders SVG plots from Prometheus data |
charybdis | | Freenode's IRC server daemon |
chbg | | Changes destop background pictures with some period |
cheat | | Convenient unit testing framework for the C programming language |
check-update | | Check pkgsrc trees for newer version |
checkstyle | | Static code analysis tool for Java |
chemeq | | Chemical Equation Parser and Renderer |
chems | | The geekest content helper management system |
cherokee | | Flexible and fast web server |
chezmoi | | Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines |
chezscheme | | Cisco implementation of the Scheme programming language |
chezscheme-racket | | Racket's fork of Chez Scheme |
Chinput | | Chinese input server |
chip-seq | | Core tools needed for ChIP-Seq analysis |
chirpstack | | Open-source LoRaWAN Network Server |
chkugenids | | Command line tool to get info on USB device through /dev/ugenN.EE |
chntpw | | Offline registry tools and password resetter |
choosefont | | Choosefont permit you to choose fonts out of a big amount of fonts |
chora | | Another CVS-via-web system |
chromium | | Open source web browser |
chromium-depot_tools | | Chromium depot tools |
chromium-next | | Open source web browser |
chronograf | | Monitoring and visualization UI for the TICK stack |
chrsh | | Chroot jail wrapper for ordinary Unix shells |
chruby | | CLI tool which allows you to manage/use multiple Ruby environments |
cilium-cli | | CLI to manage Kubernetes clusters running Cilium |
cingg-netbsd | | Professional video editing and compositing environment |
cinnamon-desktop | | Additional UI API for cinnamon |
cinnamon-menus | | Additional UI API for cinnamon |
cinnamon-screensaver | | Cinnamon screensaver |
cinnamon-session | | Cinnamon session |
cinnamon-settings-daemon | | Settings daemon for Cinnamon |
ciwiki | | CiWiki is a small and simple WikiWikiWeb implementation written in C |
cl-alexandria | | Alexandria is a collection utilities for Common Lisp |
cl-anaphora | | Anaphora is the anaphoric macro collection |
cl-babel | | Babel is a character encoding/decoding library for Common Lisp |
cl-bordeaux-threads | | Portable shared-state concurrency for Common Lisp |
cl-cffi | | The Common Foreign Function Interface for Common Lisp |
cl-fad | | CL-FAD is a thin layer atop Common Lisp standard pathname functions |
cl-flexi-streams | | FLEXI-STREAMS - Flexible bivalent streams for Common Lisp |
cl-portable-clx | | CLX module which is mostly used with SBCL |
cl-ppcre | | CL-PPCRE is a portable regular expression library for Common Lisp |
cl-ppcre-unicode | | CL-PPCRE-UNICODE is the CL-PPCRE package with Unicode support |
cl-split-sequence | | Common Lisp utility to split sequences |
cl-trivial-features | | Trivial-features ensures consistent *FEATURES* in Common Lisp |
cl-trivial-gray-streams | | Trivial-gray-streams is a compatibility layer for Gray streams |
cl-unicode | | CL-UNICODE - A portable Unicode library for Common Lisp |
cl-who | | CL-WHO - Yet another Lisp markup language |
clamassassin | | Simple virus filter wrapper for ClamAV |
clang | | C language family frontend for LLVM |
clang-tools-extra | | Extra Clang tools |
clasp | | Answer set solver for normal and disjunctive logic programs |
classgen | | Java tool to generate class frameworks and visitor patterns |
classic-mac-font-pack | | Outline fonts modeled after those of the vintage 68k Macintosh era |
mk | | Subfolder |